The latest news.
The most recent comic strip.
Old RGTT comics, archived for your convenience.
Comics by RGTT readers.
Other things like Rephin's Art, Rantings, etc.
Links to other fine Dark Ages sites.

RGTT Affiliates

Rephin's Guide to Temuair
Lighter Side of Dark Ages

Here are some comics by people who stopped by RGTT.   If I can do a comic, anyone can. =)

You can download the template for RGTT right here.

Guest Comics by Saotome


Guest Comics by Cronee

"The wrong way?"
"A day in the life of Epsillon, brother to Cronee"

Guest Comics by LastAlive

"Fast Way Down"
"l33t ore"

Guest Comics by Ryo

#1 - "Ryo isn't Crazy...honest!"

Guest Comics by Grog

Gem Polishing Adveture!

Guest Comics by Rodimus

Rodimus's Grand Adventures! #1
Rodimus's Grand Adventures! #2

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Rephin's Guide to Temuair ©2001-2002
R. Arzadon
Dark Ages: Online Roleplaying is owned and ©1999-2002, Nexon.