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Rephin's Guide to Temuair Comic Archives

This comic is a story based on US Dark Ages. Any resemblance to actual events in Dark Ages are purely coincidental. The characters portrayed are nothing like their comic counterpart. Well, maybe slightly.

Comics marked by a ( * ) are NOT considered storyline comics.

Part I - The Little Warrior

#1 - "His Name is Rephin" November 14, 2001
#2 -
"2 l33t 4 u" November 16, 2001
#3 -
"Admit it warriors, you had the same reason." November 20, 2001
#4 -
"Gomen Nasai" November 26, 2001 *
#5 -
"That's when she met Sgrios..." November 28, 2001
#6 -
"guide plz" December 10, 2001
#7 -
"Motivation" February 8, 2002 *
#8 -
"Well, he IS Ceannlaidir" February 11, 2002
#9 -
"Fear the Dirk" February 13, 2002
#10 -
"One Size Fits All" February 16, 2002
#11 -
"By the gods, she's normal!" February 19, 2002
#12 -
"Her First Battle" February 21, 2002
#13 -
"Mighty Good Chicken" February 25, 2002
#14 -
"Randomness: It's all about the ratings." March 11, 2002 *
#15 -
"Still a Newbie" May 20, 2002
#16 -
"You'll Never Know" July 1, 2002
#17 - "directions plx" July 5, 2002

Part II - Washizuka and Calidora

#18 - "Welcome to Reality" October 10, 2002
#19 - "If at first you don't succeed..." October 11, 2002
#20 - "Is that a dagger in your pocket, or..." October 12, 2002
#21 - "Randomness: RGTT Fan Mail I" October 13, 2002 *
#22 -
"Master of the Obvious" October 14, 2002
#23 - "The smartest thing I ever did." October 15, 2002
#24 - "A Change of Heart" October 16, 2002
#25 - "Randomness: RGTT Halloween Party" October 31, 2002 *
#26 -
"Poor Ramel" November 4, 2002
#27 - "Proud?" November 7, 2002
#SP -
"Celebrating One Year" November 14, 2002 *
#28 - "In the Temple of Gramail" November 21, 2002
#29 -
"Let's try this again..." December 12, 2002

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Rephin's Guide to Temuair ©2001-2002
R. Arzadon
Dark Ages: Online Roleplaying is owned and ©1999-2002, Nexon.